Mag. Martin Hieslmair
Hohen-Stein-Straße 15
A-4111 Walding
E-Mail: martin @ him.at
Martin Hieslmair, born 1979, lives in Walding and works in Linz, Austria. Since 2012 working at Ars Electronica, the international platform for art, technology and society, in Linz. Web content manager, but also public relations work focusing on web communication, programming, data, text, graphics, film and photography.
Before that, studies in political science at the University of Vienna (2007-2012) with specialization in the field of visual communication, residency at the Stockholms Universitet in Sweden (2010-2011). Information designer and Head of the Photo Department of ORF.at, the most popular news site in Austria (2000-2007).